Montréal – October 2017

The BDC was glad to hear of the first gathering with the Design Declaration Summit ‘Call to Action’. The global design community representing 22 international organisations, took place in Montréal, Canada, in October 2017. These organisations represented a wide range of professionals across different sectors of architects, designers, urban planners from over 90 countries.

pic: Design Declaration Summit

The purpose was to create some coherence and to ‘affirm the fundamental role of design in creating and shaping the world now and in the future. The two day Design Declaration Summit (DDS) concluded with the ratification of the first Design Declaration, the Montréal Design Declaration, in the presence of international organisations representing, public, private and civil sectors of society concerned with the design or impacted by design.’ As stated in the Design Declaration website, where you can find out more about the Summit itself and the representing organisations.

Pic by BDC: Steering Committee Members

The Design Declaration Steering Committee 

The committee consists of the Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA), Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (Cumulus), the International Council of Design (ICoD), the International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP), and the Interaction Design Association (IxDA). 

Design Declaration Summit activities are supported by representatives from Steering Committee member organizations – Eija Salmi (Cumulus), Regitze Hess (IFHP) and Brenda Sanderson (IxDA), along with the ICoD Secretariat. ( Steering committee as pictured above – text from

The BDC believe it’s a positive step towards discussing the relevant challenges and opportunities the industry faces, as whole. Bringing together the representative organisations and networks, to have a deeper dialogue and understanding of the ever changing landscape. The role not only for the sector, yet as a community striving together to contribute to the societal challenges with the richness and value that design and the variety of creative and cultural sectors can add to the every growing creative economy. Utilising the Design Advocacy though the development of a variety of elements from; Design Metrics, Design Policies, Development of Design Standards, and Enhancement of Design Education. Also encouraging many more of

Pre-Summit – St Etienne – April 2019

Pic: BDC

Our sister organisation of BIDs Belgium, had the pleasure to attend the second gathering at the Pre-Summit of the Design Declaration Summit, in St Etienne in 3 – 5th April 2019. This happened to be on at the same time as St Etienne’s Design Biennial, the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne. Rozina Spinnoy of the BDC and BIDs had the pleasure to present BIDs Belgium and it’s implementation of the use of Design Thinking and Design Strategy to tackle some of the societal challenges, at a local level of community and city level. Showcases examples of socio-economic regeneration from the global BIDs concepts. Traditionally focussing on businesses and how BIDs Belgium is taking the ‘holistic’ approach of co-designing communities, with the ‘community improvement district’ method.

The following as described by the Design Declaration Summit via their site:

“The Saint-Étienne Pre-Summit Meeting sessions were devoted to:
— Establishing metrics and collecting data and case studies to more effectively communicate the value of design;
— Supporting development of national and regional design policies;
— Fostering development, recognition, support and funding for design education and research, including development of new formats for design education curricula.”

Find out more via

Pic by BDC: Alok Nandi


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