Promoting The Excellence Of Design, Creativity And Innovation And Collaborating To Create A Better World…

Good design is good business, as Thomas Watson of IBM once said. Good design has a vital role to play in our everyday lives. It can improve how we live, function and organize our lives. The Belgium Design Council has it’s core values embedded in encouraging Enterprising, Efficiency and Excellence, within an inclusive, sustainable culture. This has become our ‘E3‘mantra. Using Design, Creativity, Innovation and Technology, as key levers for change. Promoting circularity and sustainability with enabling design-led innovation from products, services, systems to cities.

Our Mission is to promote the excellence of Design. The Belgium Design Council was formed with the belief that uniting various Industries and Multi-stakeholders including; Design, various Business organisations of the public, private sectors , Governments, key stake holders and Civic Society organizantion, together, we can achieve a better understanding of the value created when collaborating and incorporating, creativity, design, innovation and technology and the role they have to play in achieving global societal objectives and challenges. Objectives of the Global Goals, achieving sustainable, circular and resilient economic models for the every growing creative economy. These elements can strategically help to address economic and social challenges and create value for end users, as well as for the organisations.

Together we can improve and transform our environments into achieved the desired goals required today’s world demands.

Together, we can enhance our environments, products and policies.

Together we can create a better and more inclusive world for you.